Landscapers can add colour to their garden designs by using a huge range and variety of flowers. The Gladiolus is one of the flowers that landscapers use that has a huge variety. The height of the thick flower stalk which rises from the corm may reach little more than 1 ft or as much as 5 ft. The open trumpet-shaped flowers range from from the width of an egg cup to the size of a saucer and the colour span the rainbow. If you are a landscaper this can really brighten up your garden design.
The common family features worth noting for landscapers are upright, sword like leaves and six petaled flowers which all point the same way. There are one or two hardy species but these are not the ones you see in every street in the land. These popular ones are the half hardy hybrids, planted in spring to flower in summer and then lifted at the end of October. These corms are stored in a cool but frost free place for planting out in the following spring. These showy plants are easy to grow in good soil and a sunny situation.
Landscapers Tip
Remember to water thoroughly during dry weather once the flower spikes have appeared. They cannot be faulted as cut flowers but they do have a few drawbacks as bedding plants for garden display. Careful stalking is sometimes necessary and the blooming period for an individual flower spike lasts for only two weeks. Still, they do provide a bold splash of colour for those two weeks in your garden.