Landscaping Dublin Project, Leopardstown, Co Dublin.

Black limestone seating area bordered by silver granite creating nice contrast
Black limestone seating area, bordered by silver granite, creating nice contrast

This client got my details from the internet via my website He wanted a landscape designer to come up with ideas for the front and back of his newly bought property. The aspect of the house was, front South facing, back North facing. The front garden had a slab of concrete for parking accessed by a tight entrance. The red brick wall adjacent to the road was cracked and lifted due to a large Juniperus conifer. The space was bordered by Grisellinia hedging on both sides in need of attention. There was a lawn beside the slab of concrete, and concrete path and step in front of the house. The whole area sloped towards the house. The access to the back was good and would pose no problems. The back was like a jungle, everything was overgrown and in decline. There was an old shed covered in large overhanging branches from the neighbours, an old dis-used oil tank up on blocks. The entire surrounding fence was rotten and falling down and the lawn was in bad shape.

Overgrown back garden
Overgrown back garden
Existing shed completely covered
Existing shed completely covered
Conifer boundary
Conifer hedge with rotten boundary fence behind

After discussing price for design, budget and clients requirements I surveyed the property front and back. the clients requirements were:


  • Prune Grisellinia hedges and remove unwanted plants
  • Extend width of entrance and fix wall
  • Remove concrete slab, path and step
  • Remove existing lawn
  • Gravel and granite cobble driveway
  • Create enough space for two cars
    Front of house with tight entrance
    Front of house with tight entrance
    Front of house with widened entrance
    Front of house with widened entrance
    Cocrete slab driveway
    Cocrete slab driveway
    Concrete slab removed and replaced with warm textured Ballylusk gravel
    Concrete slab removed and replaced with warm textured Ballylusk gravel


  • Remove unwanted plants and cut back overhanging branches from neighbours
  • Remove redundant oil tank and old shed
  • Remove surrounding fence and replace
  • Supply and install new 8×6 garden shed
  • New lawn
  • Patio area in sunny location
  • Low maintenance
  • Scented planting
  • Garden lighting
  • Contemporary design

Armed with the above brief I created a design which covered all areas apart from garden lighting which put me over budget, but was able to include wiring for future garden lighting. After 2 weeks I returned to present the garden design and quotation. Happily both were accepted by client with the inclusion of Garden lighting. On reciept of 10% deposit we nailed down a suitable date for commencement.

The design for the front was a simple Ballylusk gravel driveway with widened entrance, silver tumbled cobble apron and raised cobble edge for beds. A path and step bordered the house, using 600×300 brush hammered silver granite slabs. Because the driveway was sloping towards the house a french drain was installed 1M from the path to remove excess water. The beds were planted with suitable plants to deal with dry conditions created by the Grisellinia hedges. Geo-textile matting was laid around the plants and covered with 50mmn Greenking soil conditioner to reduce maintenance.

The design for the back was more contemporary in nature, including, raised beds, raised lawn, sunken path leading to 8×6 Baumanns garden shed painted Ronseal white and framed with two standard Bay Laurels, new pressure treated Spruce fence, patio with feature seat, low voltage Collingwood garden lighting scheme and simple planting. The choice of materials was also simple,  contrasting silver granite with black limestone creating nice interest and depth.

Overgrown back garden
Overgrown back garden
Silver granite path, black limestone and new lawn
Silver granite path, black limestone and new lawn

Below is the work schedule covering all areas of work on this landscaping Dublin contract:


  • Remove existing concrete driveway, lawn and unwanted plants, cart to dump 
  • Supply, spread and compact 75mm Ballylusk dust 
  • Supply and install apron using 200x100x50mm tumbled silver granite cobbles 
  • Supply and install raised edge using 200x100x100mm tumbled silver granite cobbles to create beds, cobbles to be 75mm proud of finished Ballylusk gravel level
  • Supply and install path and step using brush hammered silver granite slabs, half bull nose edges of granite slabs 
  • Plant up beds with suitable shrubs and perennials 
  • Supply, spread and compact 25mm layer of 14mm Ballylusk gravel to finish driveway
  • Supply and install new side gate
    Ballylusk gravel and cobble apron
    Ballylusk gravel and cobble apron


  • Remove unwanted shed, oil tank, unwanted plants and cart to dump
  • Supply, face and cap existing 100mm solids using brush hammered silver granite slabs 
  • Supply and install pressure treated Scandinavian spruce fence to a height of 1.8m around garden 
  • Supply and install patios and path using black limestone slabs 
  • Supply and install path using 600x600mm brush hammered silver granite slabs
  • Supply and install cement rendered seat capped with 600x300mm brush hammered silver granite slabs, half bull nose edges of slabs 
  • Supply and install topsoil to bring up levels, use soil from front
  • Supply and install instant roll out lawn 
  • Supply and plant beds using Bamboo for hedge and Thuja smargards underplanted with lime tolerant heathers 
  • Mulch beds with 50mm bark chippings to reduce maintenance
  • Supply and install new Scandinavian white deal 8×6 Baumanns garden shed 
  • Supply and install hardwood deck apron in front of shed 
  • Remove all rubbish and cart to dump
    Black limestone seating area bordered by silver granite creating nice contrast
    Black limestone seating area, bordered by silver granite, creating nice contrast
    Baumanns garden shed with new pressure treated fence in background
    Baumanns garden shed with new pressure treated fence in background

The plants for this project were chosen with the client at Garden World Nurseries. I arrive at the nursery 1 hour before the client and choose the plants I think will work. Because I have been working on the garden the previous 3 weeks I have familiarised myself with the space and know what will work. However the client still has final say on what goes in, how much is spent and also gets a 10% discount. This process gives ownership of the garden back to the client. The plants used in this landscaping project included: Phylostachys aurea, Lavandula hidcote, Prunus luisitanica standards, Thuja smargards, Erica spp.,

Sunken black limestone path leading to shed framed by two Bay Laurels
Sunken black limestone path leading to shed framed by two Bay Laurels

The client was very happy with the results as we completed the landscaping project in time and within budget, if you require an award winning Designer/landscape contractor contact Kevin Baumann on 086 8198444.


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